How to Apply for Fellowship Class of 2025-2026
Applicants for the fellowship must be PGY-2 or higher and should have completed junior residency prior to starting the fellowship. Incomplete applications WILL NOT be considered for interview.
Applications to be Submitted
Ⅰ. Official Fellowship application documents: please send the documents to the Labor Management Organizaion (LMO).
Please refer to Fellowship Program Vacancy Announcement for the details.
Address: 独立行政法人駐留軍等労働者労務管理機構
904-0202 沖縄県中頭郡嘉手納町字屋良1058番地1
Notice: All official application documents should be sent to LMO.
-LMO will ensure if applicants are qualify for position.
-Official offers of position will be made by LMO.
Ⅱ. Please send an email with the following documents to the USNH Okinawa fellowship at
- A current curriculum vitae, written in English (the same one which you sent to LMO)
- A personal statement, written in English, stating the reason for desiring fellowship training at USNHO and future goals for your medical career. (the same one which you sent to LMO)
- Two letters of recommendation, written in English. (the same one which you sent to LMO)
- A recent photo of yourself. (do not need to send to LMO)
- Certificate of English Proficiency (the same one which you sent to LMO)
1-2.4-5 should be scanned and submitted together by an e-mail as PDF files.
3 can be directly sent to the email address below by the recommender who writes the letter for the applicant. However, the letter submitted by the applicant is also acceptable. Both are handled in the same manner and whether the letters were sent by the recommender or applicant will not affect the fellow selection.
Please send us an email under the title “FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION (LAST, FIRST name)”. Include your full name and your telephone number to contact. Also, please do not forget to attach documents
1- 2 .4-5 (or 3) in this email, as mentioned above. DO NOT use your cellular/smart phones to send the email.
If you have further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Starting date for application:
June 24, 2024
Application deadline:
July 19, 2024
Invitation to interview:
July 26, 2024 (tentatively)
Interview date:
August 2, 2024
Note: Applicants can choose on-site or virtual. We evaluate both in-person and virtual interviews with the same standards.