Health Services

Educational & Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS)


As a department of the U.S. Naval Hospital, EDIS offers help to children with special needs, through federally mandated Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) programs and non-IDEA services. The mission of EDIS is to maximize the potential of children who are identified or at risk for delays and provide strategies to assist in their development and independence. EDIS promotes family-based care, closely involving families in the development of service plans. The staff of EDIS comes from a variety of fields to include: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, psychology, and early childhood special education. There are two programs within EDIS: Early Intervention, for children from birth to age 3, and Related Services as part of the DoDEA schools, for students from ages 3 to 22. Services are provided in the least-restrictive environment; natural environment (i.e. home, CDC, etc) for Early Intervention and in the school for Related Services.
Children with disabilities, through support of programs like EDIS, have the opportunity to fully develop their physical, social, emotional, communication, and cognitive potential. Today these children are achieving higher levels of education. EDIS hopes to further the development of children with special needs, bridging the gap between them and children without disabilities.

Available Providers

Developmental Pediatrician
Clinical Child Psychologist
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech and Language Pathologist
Early Childhood Special Educator
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Assistant Family Service Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make a referral if there are concerns about my child’s development?

My child is younger than 3 years old:
A referral for Early Intervention (0-35 months) may be made by a parent, physician, or other community member with parent permission. Parents can reach out directly to the local EDIS office to discuss their concerns. Parents may also schedule an appointment with their child’s pediatrician. 
My child is 3-22 years old:
For children 3-years and older, a referral to EDIS can only be made through your child’s DoDEA school. Parents may also discuss their concerns with their child’s pediatrician. Your child’s pediatrician can help determine if there is a medical diagnosis that explains the problems that your child is having.
If your child is already enrolled in the local DoDEA school, parents should first discuss their concerns with their child’s teacher. Parents can also request to speak with a school administrator or counselor by contacting the school’s front desk.
If your child is not yet enrolled in school, you will be asked to enroll them in school. Please contact your local DoDea school  front office for more information.

What are the eligibility requirements?

Early Intervention (ages 0-35 months):
An infant or toddler from birth through 3 months, may be eligible for services if they meet the following criteria:
  • Has a diagnosed condition, which is likely to result in a developmental delay.
  • Has a developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: adaptive/self-help skills, social emotional development, communication, physical development, or cognitive development as measured by appropriate assessment. The delay must be severe (two standard deviations below the mean) in one developmental area or moderate (1.5 standard deviations below the mean) in two or more areas of development to qualify for services.
  • Is at high risk of developing a delay if early intervention services are not provided.
Early intervention services are provided to entitled eligible infants and toddlers birth through 35 months. Entitlement is established if the child, but for their age, could attend DOD schools. Children must meet the command sponsorship and dependency requirements of DOD schools to be authorized for “space required” (tuition free) early intervention services. This may involve review of the sponsors orders and verification of family travel authorization. EDIS is not required to provide ongoing “space -available” Early Intervention service in Mainland Japan.
Related Services (ages 3-22):
School-based EDIS related services are provided under a federal special education law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) for students who have or are suspected of having 1 or more of the 13 disabilities listed in the IDEA law, and whose disability is affecting their educational performance and/or ability to learn and benefit from the general education curriculum. In other words, they must demonstrate a need for specialized instruction.

Not all students who have a medical diagnosis or other academic/social concerns will qualify for a formal special education assessment or related services. Special education is just one of many avenues to address student concerns. School administrators (e.g., principals) can be excellent resources to find out more about special education and other school support resources.
A team, to include parents, will meet and determine if an EDIS evaluation and/or services are the appropriate avenue to address your concerns based on the guidelines of this law and other available information to include specific parent and teacher concerns, your child’s current school performance, and any additional documentation/records.

What happens after a referral is made?

Early Intervention (ages 0-35 months):
A service coordinator will contact the child’s parent to schedule an appointment to review our program, discuss concerns, and schedule a screening. All EDIS services are voluntary. A transdisciplinary team will evaluate your child in five areas: Adaptive, Cognitive, Communication, Physical, and Social-Emotional. The evaluation will occur in the child’s home. A team meeting will be scheduled to formally review the results and determine if your child is eligible for services.
Related Services (ages 3-22):
The Case Study Committee (CSC) at your local school will receive and process referrals from teachers and administrators and plan for assessments. A team, to include parents, will meet and determine if an EDIS evaluation and/or services are the appropriate avenue to address your concerns based on the guidelines of this law and other available information to include specific parent and teacher concerns, your child’s current school performance, and any additional documentation/records.

What happens if my child is eligible?

Early Intervention (ages 0-35 months):
Service coordinator, parents, and early intervention staff will discuss recommendations and concerns. A Routines Based Interview will be completed to assess the child and family concerns and priorities. Children found eligible for EDIS will be referred to the Exceptional Family Member Program to ensure continuity of care. Child’s family and early intervention staff will develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). An IFSP is a plan developed by the team members, to include the parents, that helps guide your child’s development.
Related Services (ages 3-22):
If your child is found eligible for Related Services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be developed, and treatments in the school setting can begin. If your child is not found eligible for special education services, your school team will consider other avenues for addressing your concerns. 

What if my child does not qualify for services?

Early Intervention (ages 0-35 months):
If your child does not qualify for EDIS services and you are still concerned with your child’s development, EDIS can rescreen your child 2-3 months after their initial evaluation. A follow-up referral can be made either from a parent or the child’s physician.
Related Services (ages 3-22):
If your child is not found eligible for special education services, your school team will consider other avenues for addressing your concerns.  If your child has a diagnosed disability that interferes with the child’s ability to learn in a general education classroom, he or she may qualify for a 504 plan as part of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 504 is a federal civil rights law to stop discrimination against people with disabilities and it has a broader definition of disability than IDEA.
Your child’s pediatrician can help determine if there is a medical diagnosis that explains the problems that your child is having. If your child already has a medical diagnosis, parents may wish to share this information when discussing their concerns with the school support team.
What if my child is about to turn 3?
EDIS does not enroll new children for early intervention services once they have reached 33 months of age due to the limited time a child can receive services before aging out of the program. If you have concerns about your 33 to 35-month-old child, and they are not yet enrolled in early intervention services, contact your local DoDEA school. If warranted, your school will conduct an evaluation to potentially qualify your child for developmental special education services, which can begin once your child turns three.
What if my child already has an active IFSP or IEP?
If your child has an active IFSP or IEP, please include a copy of the IFSP or IEP along with DD Form 2792-1 when you submit your overseas screening documentation to allow for a more expedient screening process. Once you arrive, you can anticipate some adjustments to the IFSP or IEP to match your child’s current needs and the available services in your location.

How are EDIS services different from outpatient therapy?

Early Intervention (ages 0-35 months):
Early Intervention Services (ages 0-35 months) provided by EDIS are completed using a Parent Coaching Model. This model emphasizes the importance of the parent/guardian being the best teacher for their child experiencing a developmental delay(s). EDIS providers will work directly with the parent/guardian within the family’s natural environment(s) (i.e., home, park, store) to provide strategies and supports to target their child’s developmental concerns during their daily routines. True, effective early intervention occurs when families can utilize these strategies and resources between the EDIS service sessions.
Related Services Physical and Occupational Therapy (ages 3-22):
For Related Services (ages 3-21 years), EDIS provides Physical and Occupational Therapy within the context of a child’s education to ensure that all students can receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). School-based speech therapy is provided by DoDEA. Goals and interventions are determined on the child’s IEP goals. In contrast, outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy typically addresses broader goals and is not tied to the child’s education.
EDIS Psychology (ages 0-22):
EDIS psychology services are limited to assessment as part of the child’s initial special education eligibility determination and triennial review, as needed. EDIS may provide limited school-based psychological interventions as determined by the child’s IEP. EDIS psychology does not provide ongoing therapy for the treatment of mental health disorders (a typical outpatient mental health service.) Parents interested in outpatient behavioral health services for their child should talk with their child’s pediatrician. Child behavioral health services may be limited at your current duty station.
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (ages 0 – 22)
A Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician (DBP) is a doctor who specializes in the care of children and has undergone additional formal training and board certification to subspecialize in the care of children with developmental and behavioral concerns. A DBP has the expertise to evaluate, diagnose and treat a child with concerns including developmental delays; sleep and toileting difficulties; challenging behaviors; and neurodevelopmental conditions such as global developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, and intellectual disability.

The Okinawa EDIS DBP serves the entire INDOPACOM, providing evaluations of eligible dependents for developmental and behavioral concerns. Children who are enrolled in EDIS Early Intervention can be referred for assessment by their EDIS Early Intervention providers or by their primary care manager (pediatrician or family medicine doctor). Children who are not enrolled in EDIS Early Intervention services can obtain a referral from their primary care manager (pediatrician or family medicine doctor).

Documents and References



  • Navy
  • Marines
    • Main Office Camp Foster Bldg 495; tel: 645-9237
    • Camp Kinser Building 1316; tel: 637-3516
    • Camp Courtney Building 4448: tel: 622-9794
  • Airforce
  • Army : (Please direct questions to current ARMY EFMP, via this email link)  
  • Military One Source (EFMP)

Contact Us

EDIS Okinawa Office

Department Head: DSN 634-2765
Assistant Department Head: DSN 634-2671
Program Manager: DSN 634-2763
Front Desk: DSN 634-2747/2740
Comm:  098-938-1111-634-2747/2740

EDIS Location

BLDG 9497 Kadena Air Base (Located 1st floor of DoDEA School District Office) Behind Kadena High School. 
Mon-Fri:  0800-1630

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