Health Services

Travel Medicine

Planning a family vacation or a trip to an exotic location? The Travel Medicine Clinic provides comprehensive, destination-specific pre-travel consultation to ensure a safe and healthy trip. The clinic is open to all eligible active duty, TRICARE, and DoD civilian beneficiaries on a space-available basis. Please call for an appointment

Contact Us


DSN: 646-WELL, extension 6, extension 4
If calling from a cellular phone: 098-971-WELL, extension 6, extension 4



Mon: 0730-1130 and 1300-1600
Tue: 0730-1130 and 1300-1600
Wed: 0730-1130 and 1300-1600
Thu: 0730-1130 / PM closed
Fri: 0730-1130 and 1300-1600


USNH Okinawa
Camp Foster
Bldg 972
Second Floor
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!