USNH Okinawa Visitor Guidelines
As of 30 September 2021, inpatient visitations to USNH Okinawa will require access restrictions supported by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations and U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) directives:
-Only TWO visitors who are identified by the patient(s) will be allowed in to visit. No one under the age of 18 will be authorized to visit patient(s).
-Exceptions to this policy include: two official command visitors identified by name will be allowed, for command visits.
-USNHO will provide instruction, before visitors enter patients' rooms, on hand hygiene, limiting surfaces touched, and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) while in the patient's room.
-Also at this time we will support one (1) person (over the age of 18) for Obstetrics patient with a scheduled non-emergent Cesarean delivery.
-Doulas are considered as one of the designated personnel.
-Parent(s) may visit children at any time. A parent or parent-appointed adult should remain with the child at all times whenever possible to support patient safety as well as support parent-child relationships. Children under the age of 6 must NOT be left without a parent or parent-appointed adult for an extended period of time.
-When the patient's condition warrants the termination of visitation, the visitors will be requested to leave and come back at a more suitable time.
-Sick List (SL)/Very Sick List (VSL) patients may have two visitors at any time, but will be limited to immediate family or significant other and only one at a time.
-If any specialized treatment or procedure is required during visitation, visitors will be asked to leave the area until the treatment or procedure has been completed. The nursing staff will inform the family member when visiting hours may be resumed.
-Investigative agents, military and Japanese police, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCJS), Criminal Investigative Division (CID), and Office of Special Investigation (OSI) staff must be cleared by administrative staff and the Shift Charge Nurse prior to the agent's arrival on the unit. During regular working hours, access can be granted through the Head, Patient Administration Department. After regular working hours, the Officer of the Day will coordinate necessary clearance and access.