About Us

NMRTC Okinawa Newcomers Information

USNHO Ombudsman Team
The Ombudsman is a volunteer, appointed by the commanding officer, to serve as an information link between command leadership and Navy families. Ombudsmen are trained to disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Department of the Navy and command information, command climate issues, and local quality of life (QOL) improvement opportunities.

Ombudsmen also provide resource referrals when needed. They are instrumental in resolving family issues before the issues require extensive command attention. Ombudsman keep service members and families informed and help promote healthy, self-reliant Navy families.

U.S. NMRTC Okinawa’s Command Ombusdman team is made up of Ms. Lemie Soliman and Ms. Brittany Kearns. Their mission is to serve you with the highest standards of professionalism, patience, reliability, and confidentiality. They have information on the many aspects of living on Okinawa, as well as resources on military and family life.

Contact Information:
Ms. Lemie Soliman - Cell: 080-8365-5962
Ms. Brittany Kearns - Cell: 080-2739-4071
Command Ombudsman Team
U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!